Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Inquiry Based Learning: Step Five--Pedagogical Documentation

"Documentation is not about what we do, 

but what we are searching for."

~Carla Rinaldi

This is the last in a series of posts which explore the steps of implementing inquiry based learning in the classroom. By no means, however, is pedagogical documentation the final step. In fact, pedagogical documentation takes place throughout the entire inquiry based learning process.

In her article, "Making Learning Visible Through Pedagogical Documentation," Dr. Carol Anne Wien of York University explains pedagogical documentation in this way:

"Pedagogical documentation invites us to be curious and to wonder with others about the meaning of events to children. We become co-learners together; focusing on children’s expanding understanding of the world as we interpret that understanding with others. We document not merely to record activities, but to placehold events so that we might study and interpret their meaning together. Out of that slowed-down process of teacher research, we have the potential to discover thoughtful, caring, innovative responses that expand our horizons. We discover what we did not yet know how to see. Pedagogical documentation inserts a new phase of thinking and wondering together between the act of observation and the act of planning a response. Rather than looking for what is known through assessment, pedagogical documentation invites the creativity, surprise and delight of educators who discover the worlds of children.
To see children as researchers working with others to make sense of the world, and educators as researchers bringing their curiosity to generate theories about children’s social, intellectual, physical, and emotional strategies of communication is to view both children and educators in a new way – as participating citizens engaging their cultural surroundings in their full humanity: this process allows our humanity as thinking, feeling beings a richer place in our life as professional educators."

Pedagogical documentation serves many purposes:

  • Pedagogical documentation provides the lens to view students as capable, competent problem solvers.
  • Pedagogical documentation shows strengths outside of the academic areas, allowing each child a place for success.
  • Pedagogical documentation highlights the necessity of revisiting topics to deepen understanding.
  • Pedagogical documentation highlights the process and journey of learning.  It makes thinking visible.
  • Pedagogical documentation enables children to hear and see multiple perspectives.
  • Pedagogical documentation allows for collaboration and conversations about learning between students, teachers, families, and the school community. This provides opportunity for new understandings.
  • Reviewing pedagogical documentation encourages us to dig deeper. The focus is on uncovering big ideas and the shift from product to process, allowing us to be more thoughtful about our learning. Teachers and students are encouraged to be reflective and active in their learning.
  • Sharing pedagogical documentation invites others into the conversation.
  • Reviewing pedagogical documentation scaffolds learning and possibilities for other students.
  • Reflecting on pedagogical documentation reveals patterns of children's interests and curiosities for further inquiry and wondering.
  • Pedagogical documentation can drive a co-constructed curriculum.
  • Documenting ordinary moments develops a stronger understanding of students' interests, strengths, and knowledge.

In essence, pedagogical documentation happens when we slow down and listen to children--observing and documenting what they are doing. When we connect to these captured moments and use them to drive our curriculum, learning becomes deep and meaningful.

There are many tools that can be utilized to make students' thinking visible: Photos, videos, products, documentation panels, transcripts, observational notes, authentic writing and conferences are some, but there are many others.  The goal is to capture the students' thinking and display it in a way that all can reflect and learn from.  It is not a final product whose purpose is to show what the children did during an inquiry, it is a lens into the thinking children displayed while immersed in the inquiry process.

It is an understatement to say that I am excited, yet nervous, for my journey to continue this approaching school year.  One thing is for sure, I feel a fire ignited within me, and I can't wait to share that with my students, their families, and our school community!

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